Sunday, 15 March 2015

The Park and Ride Bus Lane - Did PCC simulate it?

Portsmouth City Council has just announced that "Controversial" Portsmouth bus lane will be scrapped

What strikes me about this is that there is Simulation software available that can to a degree predict the effect of changes to the roads. You can learn about it on this Wikipedia Traffic simulation article
It uses some complex mathematics and is not the kind of software you are likely to find on your phone or pc,and it is expensive. I fiist came across Discrete event simulation back in the 80's when I was involved in the design of manufacturing processes such as Soups and Automated Guided Vehicles
But if it can help with making road layout decisions rationally then I think it should be used, or at least investigated.
So did PCC use such software when they originally designed the Park and Ride or have they used it in the process of making the recent decision?
And if they did not, did they at least try it?

Another point
How will they determine whether the change makes things better or worse?
It is not straightforward, for example how do you measure this?
Intuitively, it will probably make things worse for the users of the Park and  Ride and marginally better for drivers coming into the city at peak times.
So what Metrics has PCC to answer this?